
Syyskuun 23. 2008

Sain terveisiä aseiden maasta:

To all of my friends in Finland,

While much of the world is hanging on the events of the US Elections, Finland has suffered a heart wrenching tradgedy.

I have driven on several ocassions from Rauma to Vaasa and it is very hard to think that just inland, some lives have been torn apart at the hands of one selfish and evil individual.

Despite all of the worlds distraction, please know that some of your friends overseas are mourning your countries loss.

I wish you all strength to get by the days ahead and that the debates over gun ownership in Finland reach the conclusion you all desire.

Minun vilpitön osanotto to all of my Finnish friends.

Parhaiten sydämelliset terveiset,
Patrick D. Garez
Sr. Account Manager

1 kommentti:

Äijä kirjoitti...

Oikeita ihmisiä on kaikkialla maailmassa. Blogiystäväni mm kirjoitti kerran, että toinen ihminen on ensisijassa ystävä.

Viljasen Esko haastattelee Rehtijärven kartanon alustalaista

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